The hallmark of a great social impact partnership lies in the synergy between the cause and the company. When missions align, passions prevail and communities connect, powerful change can be possible. And this is most certainly the case between Ritoch Powell Associates and its support of the Hance Park Conservancy.
As an award-winning civil engineering and surveying firm that specializes in transportation, public works, renewable energy and private development projects, RPA has good reason to focus on the communities it serves. After all, this is not only the firm’s purpose, but it’s the firm’s business. With a focus on arts, parks and public spaces, RPA is making its mark both economically and philanthropically.
Through its grassroots approach to corporate citizenship, the firm engages employees and activates their interests through local support of worthy causes. For RPA, this strategy serves to inspire hyper-local connections that enhance the communities where it operates. And for Ritoch Powell Associates, its direct connections with the community have been the foundation of its corporate culture and have inspired the credo its leaders and employees live by: “Doing well by doing good.”