lexus Worldwide is more than a health and wellness company. It is a company built from the belief that people should have the opportunity to meet their wellness and financial goals. Originally started with its flagship product, the Breast Chek Kit, which allowed women to easily perform their own monthly examinations, Plexus has a tradition of exploring solutions that help society in myriad ways. It was the implementation of Plexus Charities in 2018, however, that led to a focused response to the needs of humanity.
Through Plexus Charities, the company empowers employees to support causes that they are personally passionate about. Plexus realized that, while most employees are interested in volunteering, it may not always be viable with busy schedules. As a result, Plexus began providing 16 hours of paid volunteer time to be used during regular business hours at either company-planned events or on their own with eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits.